Friday 21 November 2014

EBOLA: An Ebola Clinic Figures Out A Way To Start Beating The Odds

One reason the Ebola virus is so terrifying is that it's so lethal. Researchers estimate that the strain circulating in West Africa is killing upward of 70 percent of those it infects. Even among those getting care, as many as 64 percent are dying.

But some doctors in Sierra Leone say it doesn't have to be that way. An Ebola treatment facility in the capital of Freetown claims to have improved the odds of survival — with few resources and little money.

Sierra Leone's government set up the Hastings Ebola Treatment Center in some classrooms at a former police training academy. When we visit the facility, it's payday, and the workers who are lined up to get their wages seem particularly animated.

But the lively atmosphere also reflects the broader mood here. In the midst of a lot of bad news about Ebola — a surge of new infections, and way more patients than space to treat them — the workers at this facility feel like they're finally having some success.

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