Monday 7 August 2017

“Vision-Receivers Don’t Build Nations, Vision-Creators Do.” - Otunba Isaac Abi-Abiola

The second lesson I learnt from analysing vision conception law says: “Vision-Receivers Don’t Build Nations, Vision-Creators Do.”

When I speak of vision conception law, it says, in Proverbs 29 verse 18: Where there is no vision, the people will perish.

But how can we have visions and stop perishing individually, corporately and nationally?

First is through vision-received, second is through vision-created and the third is through vision-adopted.

In essence, there are three categories of visionaries in history.

The first are visionaries of vision-received, the second are visionaries of vision-created and the third are visionaries of vision-adopted.

When I speak of visionaries of vision-received in history, Adam tops the list, for he got his vision directly and specifically from God. Joseph also had vision-received because his vision came directly from God.  Moses and several other visionaries in the bible had vision-received because they got their visions specifically from God.

So, when I speak of vision-received, I mean visions received directly and specifically from God.

Now what happens if we don’t have vision-received? Or if God is not forthcoming in commissioning us for visionary lifetime?

Should we fold our hands and go to bed?

Reverend Hagin of blessed memory offered us his view when he wrote, in page 93 of his book, Growing Up, Spiritually: Our ministry, maybe unconsciously, has fed the congregation a psychology of unbelief. Instead of talking about what they have, they talk about what they don’t have. They talk about politics. Where did Jesus Christ ever say go into all the world and preach politics? He didn’t. Where did you read that Jesus said, ‘Go into all the world and give a book review.’? You didn’t. He said, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.

So for Reverend Hagin of blessed memory, we are better folding our arms and going to bed if God is not forthcoming in commissioning us for visionary lifetime.

And sadly for Willie Jolley, he reported in page 11 of his book, A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, how he actually folded his arms and went to bed when God was not forthcoming in commissioning him for Church pastorate.

But guess what Ezra did when God was not forthcoming in commissioning him for visionary lifetime? Or when he didn’t have vision-received?

Guess what Governor Nehemiah of Jerusalem did when God was not forthcoming in commissioning him for visionary lifetime? Or when he didn’t have vision-received?

Guess what Daniel did when God was not forthcoming in commissioning him for visionary lifetime? Or when he didn’t have vision-received?

Guess what Dr Joseph Lister, inventor of the first antibiotics, did when God was not forthcoming in commissioning him for visionary lifetime? Or when he didn’t have vision-received?

Find out from my teaching titled “Fourth Vision Definition.”

...Otunba Isaac Abi-Abila

Connect with Otunba Isaac Abi-Abiola
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