Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Ben Affleck Says He Relates to Batman's Anger Issues in 'Batman v Superman'

The 'Gone Girl' actor digs deep to explain why he is a perfect choice to play the Caped Crusader in the 'Man of Steel' sequel 'Dawn of Justice'

Ben Affleck says Batman is a perfect role for him because they both have something in common, that is a "character flaw" when it comes to dealing with their rage. The actor reveals he has a bit of moody side, and he says it's good for his portrayal as the Dark Knight who has a lot of bottled-up anger. 

"I think it's a necessity, historically, in the tradition of these films," the star who plays a murder suspect in David Fincher's "Gone Girl" explains in a new interview with The Sunday Times. "For me, anger is so deeply buried and contained that when it does kind of come out, it comes out in stronger bursts." 

"I tend to be respectful, polite, get along, put up with, put up with, put up with... then, when it finally emerges, it's not something I have a ton of control over. I'm not gonna go into a Wolverine berserker rage, but I do have a, I do... That's my personality ... By the way, that's a character flaw, I think." 

He continues, "I should sit down and say, 'Listen, I just want to let you know what happened there wasn't OK,' instead of going, let it go, let it go, let it go ... 'Ah, that's not a big deal,' until finally you just pop!" 

Directed by Zack Snyder, the "Man of Steel" sequel is slated for March 25, 2016 release in the U.S. Henry Cavill is back as Superman, Gal Gadot is added as Wonder Woman and Jesse Eisenberg is tapped as the villainous Lex Luthor. 

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