Tuesday 19 August 2014

Rihanna, Coldplay and Katy Perry Should Pay to Play Super Bowl Halftime Show

According to a new report, the pay-to-play idea gets chilly responses from the three contenders' representatives.

Some big names in music are reportedly in talks to headline the 2015 Super Bowl halftime show. According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal, the National Footbal League has listed Rihanna, Coldplay and Katy Perry as their top three choices and final contenders for the big event slated for next February. 

However, these acts apparently have to pay if they're interested in playing the coveted gig. WSJ also reports that the NFL has already "asked at least some of the acts if they would be willing to contribute a portion of their post-Super Bowl tour income to the league, or if they would make some other type of financial contribution, in exchange for the halftime gig." 

Super Bowl is undeniably one of the most-watched TV programs in the country. It's still unclear how much an artist has to pay for the performance, but the pay-to-play idea has unsurprisingly received lackluster responses from the contenders' representatives. 

NFL spokeswoman Joanna Hunter has only said that their goal is "to put on the best possible show." She added, "Our contract arrangements with artists are confidential." 

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