Friday 10 April 2015

Drake Now Has His Very Own Search Engine

Let Me Drake That for You search engine provides all information about the Canadian actor including his photos, songs and even trivial things such his favorite food.

Drake now has his own search engine. The search engine which is called Let Me Drake That for You is set up similar to Google. The most noticeable difference between the two is the result. Google provides all information about people, history, occurrences and anything in the world, but Drake's search engine only provides information related to the celebrity. 

Another similarity between the two is the option under the search box. Google has "I'm Feeling Lucky" options while Drake's search engine has "I'm Feeling Dizzy." What comes after hitting the buttons are completely different. 

"I'm Feeling Lucky" button will lead people to useful and important information that happened recently. Meanwhile, "I'm Feeling Dizzy" option will only shock people. It will play some different short clips of Drake doing something and will continue playing if the users don't click anywhere on the screen to stop the video. 

Another uniqueness of the search engine is it has audio cues such as "just hold on, we are coming home" that play every time the users return to the homepage. One more cool thing on the website is some sayings will emerge while the engine is in loading process. The words include "You girl, you right there, you look like you like this search. How'd I know, How'd I know?" and "I'm just sayin you can search better. Tell me have you heard that lately." 

Despite the tricky button, all fans of Drake will find Let Me Drake That for You useful and a handy tool to get to know more about their idol. The search engine provides all the things about the Canadian rapper that include his career, his personal life, photos, videos and even fun things such as Drake Quizzes.

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