Wednesday 11 June 2014

Justin Bieber Helped Save a Child's Life

A father, Kera Bolonik, shares the true story of how his son Theo's life is saved by the Canadian singer through his song.

Amid all recent news that plagued Justin Bieber's career, the pop star has become a personal hero for a child named Theo and his family. Kera Bolonik, the writer of New York magazine who happens to be the father of the 14-month-old child, shares a true story of how his son has been recovering from his illness because of Justin's song "Baby". 

Theo had an undiagnosed and debilitating disease that caused frequent seizure which made him sluggish and often vomiting. Because of that, Theo had difficulty in eating and he was like "a drained battery" when he woke up. Kera and his wife, Meredith, struggled each day to encourage Theo to eat, because his son needed enough nourishment. 

One day, Kera and his wife were flusterred by Theo's nanny, Erin, who could make their son eat scrambled eggs with cheese, yogurt and cereal which are similar to a meal portion of a kid twice his age and size. Erin made Theo eat his meal by playing music video of "Baby" which the boy chanted "Bee-bee, bay-bee" every five minutes. 

Theo would ask to repeat the music video until he finished to eat his meal. "The song came to be Theo's life raft, as well as our measuring stick for how long it would take to feed him," Kera said. 

"I'd sworn that Bieber would never be allowed in our household, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and the track was playing so frequently it became like white noise: Theo would demand the video repeatedly until his meal-or any task we needed him to endure-was done. It was an easy request to oblige," he added. 

Theo's seizure still continued until his father brought him to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was treated by a dedicated diagnostic team. Theo underwent a series of exhausting test and "Baby" video would calm him soon. 

In an afternoon, when Theo cried and refused to be injected with IV drips, his doctor and nurses started to sing "Baby". Theo then stopped crying, wondering why they knew the song. " 'They know this song?' he was clearly thinking, and so was I. I'd forgotten that 'Baby' existed outside our crisis," stated Kera who was also wondering. 

In the end of his writing, Kera revealed that Theo was diagnosed with "hyperinsulinism," a rare illness that is opposite to diabetes. Theo was treated by a simple and life-safing treatment with drug diazoxide, which would regulate his blood sugar and brought back his health. 

Lately, Theo has moved from his healing song "Baby" to Pharrell Williams' "Happy". 

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