Thursday 24 April 2014

Beyonce Knowles Is Time Magazine's 'Most Influential People' Cover Girl

Queen Bey is joined on the 100 list along with the likes of Pharrell Williams, Miley Cyrus, Kerry Washington, Pope Francis, President Barack Obama, and Steve McQueen.

 Beyonce Knowles lands the coveted spot on the front page of Time magazine for its 2014 "Most Influential People" issue. "She's the boss," gushes Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, applauding the singer for "[raising] her voice both on- and offstage to urge women to be independent and lead." 

"Beyonce doesn't just sit at the table. She builds a better one," Sandberg says. "Her secret: hard work, honesty and authenticity. And her answer to the question, What would you do if you weren't afraid? appears to be, 'Watch me. I'm about to do it.' Then she adds, 'You can, too.' " 

Also getting their own individual covers are actor Robert Redford, basketball player Jason Collins, and General Motors CEO Mary Barra. "Happy" hitmaker Pharrell Williams, twerking queen Miley Cyrus, and "Scandal" star Kerry Washington make the list too. 

Pharrell is endorsed by his frequent collaborator, Justin Timberlake. "The collaboration I have with him is like no other," JT says. "He made me fearless, and I've carried that with me the rest of my life. ...His music actually does make you happy. ...Maybe that's why he still looks younger (he's 41) than the rest of us. Yep ...Pharrell Williams is having way too much fun." 

Miley gets praised by her godmother, Dolly Parton. "If I didn't know how smart and talented Miley is, I might worry about her. But I've watched her grow up. So I don't," the older singer says. "She knows what she's doing. ...She doesn't have to be so drastic. But I will respect her choices. I did it my way, so why can't she do it her way?" 

Meanwhile, mom-to-be Kerry is lauded by Obama's Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett. "In a world that too often tells little girls to choose between womanhood and success, between femininity and a seat at the head of the table, both onscreen and off Kerry Washington embodies the promise that lives in all our young people to shape their own destinies and succeed as 'gladiators' for the causes in which they believe." 

Other names on the 100 list are "Orange Is the New Black" creator Jenji Kohan, "Gravity" director Alfonso Cuaron, "12 Years a Slave" helmer Steve McQueen, President Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and such Hollywood stars as Amy Adams, Benedict Cumberbatch, Matthew McConaughey, Seth Meyers, Robin Wright, and Carrie Underwood.

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