Monday 20 February 2017

Chelsea Clinton Trolls President Trump on Twitter for His Baffling Sweden Comment

The former First Daughter took to Twitter to mock the current POTUS after he falsely stated that Sweden was the recent victim of terror attack.

President Donald Trump left many people confused after he made a statement about a fictional terror attack in Sweden during a rally in Florida on Saturday, February 18. In his speech, the POTUS suggested that something horrible had happened in the said country the previous night. 

"We've got to keep our country safe," the president said. "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?" He also mentioned other places like Paris, Nice and Brussels, which have all actually been under attacks in recent years. 

"We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing," he added, "So we're going to keep our country safe." 

However, there's no tragedy occurred in Sweden that time. According to The Associated Press, the last attack in the said country was in 2010. 

Many confused people, including Chelsea Clinton, poked fun at the current POTUS' false claims. Clinton took to Twitter on Sunday, February 19 to troll the 70-year-old real estate mogul for his baffling "last night in Sweden" comment. 

"What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?" the former First Daughter quipped. 

For those who didn't know about the Bowling Green Massacre, it's another blunder made by the Trump administration. Kellyanne Conway used it to defend Trump's controversial immigration ban. Actually, there never was a massacre at Bowling Green. 

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt even accused President Trump of drug use to explain his lack of knowledge about world news. "Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound," he tweeted. 

What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?

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