Monday 28 September 2015

Justin Bieber Asks Fans to 'Respect' Him If They Want to Take Photos Together

The 'What Do You Mean?' singer took to Snapchat on Sunday, September 27 to address his fans' bad habit when they asked him to take photos together and ask them to 'respect' him.

Justin Bieber sometimes wants to stroll around the city like common people and doesn't want to take photos with his fans. The singer, who just arrived in Melbourne, Australia took to Snapchat on Sunday, September 27 to address his fans' bad habit when they asked him to take photos together. 

The Snapchat video didn't show Bieber anywhere but it showed the scenery of Melbourne outside a car's window. While the camera was capturing the scenery of the city, Bieber's voice could be heard talking about how he wanted to be treated if his fans wanted to take photos with him. "The way you ask or approach me when you want a photo with me is going determine if I take a photo or not," Bieber warned. 

"If I'm walking somewhere or arriving somewhere and you guys are asking me to take a photo, if I don't respond, if I continue to keep walking, the likelihood is that I probably don't want to take a photo at that moment," Bieber explained. 

The "What Do You Mean?" singer then addressed his fans' bad habit when they asked him to take photos together. "Now, if you start screaming louder that's not going to make me take a photo more," he said. "I want to enjoy the moment like you're enjoying the moment but I can't enjoy it if I'm not feeling like there's any respect given to me that moment." 

"Usually the chances are I'll take a photo but if perhaps I don't, or I'm not in the mood to take a photo that moment," Bieber continued. "Please just respect me and just treat me the way that you want to be treated. Honestly I'd rather stand there and talk to you for five minutes and not take any photos... just have that moment without the chaos." 

"It's like why did you travel to see me in the first place, was it really to see me or was it to get that moment of you seeing me so you could tell people about it?" the 21-year-old singer said before explaining that he's just another human being who also communicates the same way as his fans do, "Just remember I'm not unattainable, unreachable, I'm just like you and I communicate just like you, so next time remember." 

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