Wednesday 15 October 2014

EBOLA: Facebook's Zuckerberg pledges $25 million to help fight Ebola

Mark Zuckerberg has pledged donating $25 million to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation to help fight the Ebola virus. Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announced Tuesday on his official Facebook page that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, will make the donation.

“We need to get Ebola under control in the near term so that it doesn’t spread further and become a long term global health crisis that we end up fighting for decades at large scale, like HIV or polio,” Zuckerberg wrote. “We believe our grant is the quickest way to empower the CDC and the experts in this field to prevent this outcome.”

“We are hopeful this will help save lives and get this outbreak under control,” Zuckerberg wrote. (JTA) 

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